Saturday, February 21, 2009

Picture #2

One of the huts for language lessons.


  1. Yeh the nouns got me as well. It took me ages to understand it, and after 10 years in Rwanda and being married to a Rwandan for 9 years I still mix the nouns up.

    Alcohol helps it flow a little more I found.

    I produced a pocket sized dictionary while I was there. I am revising it at the moment and want to sell it on the internet, but if you want I can email you what I did a few years ago. It was done in MS Publisher so you will have to check if you can open it there. If you want it send me an email.

    Take care

  2. That language hut is way cuter than the place I learned French. You suck!

    Just keep swimming there champ! I miss you oodles!!

    Time for 2nd post exposure rabies shot (want to switch lives this week???)
