Thursday, May 21, 2009

Swine Flu in Rwanda

Now that swine flu has safely been downgraded in the world news headlines (BBC radio tells me the top story nowadays is the reported Tamil Tiger defeat in Sri Lanka), I think it is finally safe to post that blog title. In fact, there is no such thing as swine flu in Rwanda. You can all relax now. BUT, despite the fact that no cases have been diagnosed or reported here (or even in our region), Peace Corps sent out Tamiflu to those of us in the Nyamasheke district. According to the messenger, because we are the most remote group, they didn’t feel they could get to us quickly enough in the event of an epidemic (don’t I feel safe) and therefore we get to be responsible for self-medication (with PCMO consultation, of course.) Take-home message: feeling blue? Get yourself some Tamiflu!

I’m kidding, of course. As the responsible pseudo-public health expert I am, I feel obliged to add that improper medicine consumption leads to all sorts of problems (including the emergence of drug-resistant strains.)

1 comment:

  1. Dude! This is awesome.

    Not so much swine flu, but the fact that you're in frickin Rwanda and writing about it. I can't even bring myself to train consistently for Mooseman and you're off being all humanitarian. Good job.

    Keep posting. :)
